How do newborn photographers capture those precious smiles?

Capturing a newborn smiling during a newborn photo session is a tricky thing to do but it is definitely possible. Please don’t expect it during every session and don’t promise your clients that you will always capture one…it just won’t happen. I probably capture an adorable newborn sleep smile about half the time, it isn’t something you can really plan but, there are some things that can help get you there.


Ensure the baby is well-fed, clean, and comfortable before attempting to capture a smile. A happy and content baby is more likely to smile. These elements are so key to a happy and productive newborn session in general, but they are particularly important if you are trying to achieve the elusive sleep smile! Would you smile if you were hungry or wet?

Newborn baby girl smiling, Newborn Photography Session, Diana Henderson Photography


You are going to be able to capture these sweet little smiles during a phase of sleep called active sleep. It is similar to the rapid eye movement (REM) sleep stage seen in adults when people typically dream. Now I know that some experts say that babies don’t dream, but honestly, I just don’t believe that. After capturing newborns for 20 years, I am pretty convinced that they DO dream. Their little eyes move around so quickly behind those eyelids, they are displaying a range of emotions: sad, scared, happy…it’s amazing to witness. When you see this happening, BE READY.

Newborn Baby Boy Smiling, Newborn Smiling, Diana Henderson Photography, Newborn Photography Session


The tricky part is this active stage of sleep is very easily disturbed so try not to touch and move them when you see this start to happen. Sometimes a soft little swipe to the cheek will bring out a smile, but sometimes that can backfire and pull them right out of their sleep so be careful trying that before you have captured that baby as they are. The key ingredient is patience and speed. When you see those eyelids start to flutter…wait and be ready! Most of the time these smiles are a split second, they don’t hold the smile long so you need to have your finger on the trigger.

Good luck guys, I wish you all success capturing these little ones and all their expressions!