
Hi all, sorry yet again about the blog silence, things have been really busy this fall! I just got done photographing a preschool last week so as you can imagine my production load is very high! I still haven’t caught up from months ago but will do so very soon!

If you have been a blog reader of the past few years you will recognize this adorable face…it’s Casey! We did our annual photo session on her birthday last weekend and I got to hang out in the park with one of my favorite families for a few hours, it was fantastic! We spent some time reminiscing about the maternity and newborn sessions we did for Casey and how fast time has gone by. I think this is something that happens a lot in the fall, for some reason it is a nostalgic time for everyone. On that note I will leave you with these images of this wonderful girl enjoying watching the clouds, fall leaves, playing, dreaming, and just being young! Happy 5th birthday beautiful girl!